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"Building a world-class navy in a comprehensive way" is a vivid embodiment and concrete manifestation of the Chinese Communist Party's goal of building a strong military in the new era, as expressed in the domain of naval building and operations. This is both a major theoretical issue and practical issue. When it comes to realizing the centenary military building goal and creating a new situation via naval modernization, this will have major and far-reaching importance. [We must] deeply understand its internal logic in theory, history, and practice to accelerate naval transformation and development, and elevate at-dea deterrence and combat capabilities.
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China Maritime Studies Institute, U.S Naval War College
Newport, Rhode Island
China, PRC, China Maritime Studies Institute, CMSI, People’s Liberation Army, People’s Liberation Army Navy, PLAN, naval modernization, modernization
Recommended Citation
Lijiao, Liu and Benjia, Jia, "CMSI Translations #6: Building a World-Class Navy in a Comprehensive Way: It's Logic in Theory, History, and Practice" (2024). CMSI Translations. 6.