Volume 72 (1998): Law of Military Operations
Front Matter
Feature Articles
International Law and Naval Operations
James H. Dolye Jr.
The Law of War in Historical Perspective
Leslie C. Green
Shooting Down Drug Traffickers
Phillip A. Johnson
War Crimes
Howard S. Levie
The U.S. Freedom of Navigation Program, Procedure, and Future
Dennis Mandsager
The Principal of the Military Objective in the Law of Armed Conflict
Horace B. Robertson Jr.
Crafting the Rules of Engagement for Haiti
Stephen A. Rose
Clipped Wings: Effective and Legal No-fly Zone Rules of Engagement
Michael N. Schmitt
Nuclear Weapons and the World Court: The ICJ's Advisory Opinion and Its Significance for U.S. Strategic Doctrine
Robert F. Turner
Anticipatory Collective Self-Defense in the Charter Era: What the Treaties Have Said
George K. Walker