Volume 76 (2002): Computer Network Attack and International Law
Front Matter
Feature Articles
CNE and CNA in the Network-Centric Battlespace: Challenges for Operators and Lawyers
Arthur K. Cebrowski
Technology and Law: The Evolution of Digital Warfare
David Tubbs, Perry G. Luzwick, and Walter Gary Sharp Sr.
A Different Kettle of Fish: Computer Network Attack
Roger W. Barnett
International Law, Cybernetics, and Cyberspace
Anthony D'Amato
Computer Network Attack as a Use of Force under Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter
Daniel B. Silver
Computer Network Attacks and Self-Defense
Yoram Dinstein
Self-Defense against Computer Network Attack under International Law
Horace B. Robertson Jr.
Computer Networks, Proportionality, and Military Operations
James H. Doyle Jr.
Some Thoughts on Computer Network Attack and the International Law of Armed Conflict
Louise Doswald-Beck
Wired Warfare: Computer Network Attack and the Jus in Bello
Michael N. Schmitt
Proportionality, Cyberwar, and the Law of War
Ruth G. Wedgwood
Neutrality and Information Warfare
George K. Walker
Information Operations in the Space Law Arena: Science Fiction Becomes Reality
Douglas S. Anderson and Christopher R. Dooley
"Weapons like to Lightning": US Information Operations and US Treaty Obligations
Jeffrey H. Smith and Gordon N. Lederman
International Law of Armed Conflict and Computer Network Attack: Developing the Rules of Engagement
Brian T. O'Donnell and James C. Kraska
Responding to Attacks on Critical Computer Infrastructure: What Targets? What Rules of Engagement?
James P. Terry
Is It Time for a Treaty on Information Warfare?
Phillip A. Johnson