Volume 84 (2008): International Law and Military Operations
Front Matter
Feature Articles
The Influence of Law on Sea Power Doctrines: The New Maritime Strategy and the Future of the Global Legal Order
Craig H. Allen
Conditions on Entry of Foreign-Flag Vessels into US Ports to Promote Maritime Security
William D. Baumgartner and John T. Oliver
Encroachment on Navigational Freedoms
Raul (Pete) Pedrozo
China and the Law of the Sea: An Update
Guifang Xue
The 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea: A Historical Perspective on Prospects for US Accession
Horace B. Robertson Jr.
The Unvarnished Truth: The Debate on the Law of the Sea Convention
William L. Schachte Jr.
Conflicts between United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and Their Possible Resolution
Robin R. Churchill
Starting from Here
Ashley R. Deeks
Coalition Operations: A Compromise or an Accomodation
Vicki McConachie
Coaltion Operations: A Canadian Perspective
Kenneth W. Watkin
"Change Direction" 2006: Israeli Operations in Lebanon and the International Law of Self-Defense
Michael N. Schmitt