CIWAG Case Studies



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(MIWS/07 - Maritime Irregular Warfare Studies, book 7)

Although we most often think of water conflicts in terms of access to drinking water, the reality is that most water is needed for industrial and agricultural purposes; when rivers run dry, crops fail and communities face famine and starvation even in some of the world's dampest places. Moreover, in some countries, internal conflicts exacerbate the issue of who has access to water and, in others, state-to-state friction over dams and irrigation water has spilt over into armed clashes. The issue of access to and control of water becomes even more acute in states in which there is an ongoing conflict or in states that are trying to transition from conflict to stability.

Publication Date

October 2013


United States Naval War College, Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups


Newport, Rhode Island


Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups, Water wars, Brahmaputra River Basin

Water Wars: The Brahmaputra River and Sino-Indian Relations
