"CMSI Translations #15: Inscribing Loyalty While Endeavoring to Advance" by Qian Xiaohu, Mo Xiaoliang et al.



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The sea and sky blend into a singular shade, with starlight accompanying the ship’s voyage. Somewhere the vast Pacific, the Chinese Navy's aircraft carrier formation is organizing to train, and the destroyer Nanchang, joining a carrier formation for the first time, is tasked with escort duty. Suddenly, two foreign vessels turn a wide arc one after the other and speed toward the carrier formation. “This is Chinese Navy Ship 101, please keep a safe distance from me and inform me of your intentions.” Nanchang quickly maneuvers and firmly maintains its position in the carrier formation. Simultaneously, the ship’s officer of the deck shouts a warning. The foreign vessels make several unsuccessful attempts to cross the formation but have no choice in the end except to resentfully turn away and depart the area. Endeavoring to advance into the deep blue, in each thrilling and important mission, the Nanchang’s Party Committee team is always ensuring that “The ship is maneuvered by us, and we listen to the guidance of the Party,” leading the officers and sailors as they repeatedly overcome risks and challenges faced. The leaders of the Nanchang’s Party Committee told reporters, “only a combat formation that is loyal to the Party while being tough and powerful can route all enemies and prevail in all engagements.”

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China Maritime Studies Institute, U.S Naval War College


Newport, Rhode Island


China, PRC, China Maritime Studies Institute, CMSI, People’s Liberation Army, People’s Liberation Army Navy, PLAN, Loyalty

CMSI Translations #15: Inscribing Loyalty While Endeavoring to Advance into the Deep Blue
