Policies | MOC Warfighter | Journals | U.S. Naval War College


Guidelines for Submitting an Article

  1. Email your submission as an attachment in Microsoft Word format to the Editor-in- Chief, Prof. Sean Carroll at sean.carroll@usnwc.edu
  2. Include in the body of the email your full name, rank and Service (if applicable), current position/prospective assignment, telephone number(s), and work email address.
  3. Submissions should normally be 1,000-3,000 words. Inform the editor in chief in advance if you would like to submit a longer article. Include your name on the manuscript.
  4. Follow The Chicago Manual of Style Online, format for endnotes.
  5. Use 12 point Calibri or comparable standard font.
  6. You are encouraged to send graphics, charts, or tables.