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The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) directed the Navy to implement Maritime Operations Centers (MOCs) to “bridge” the command and control gap between strategic level guidance and tactical execution, ensuring the commander’s operational intent is fulfilled by the supporting force. As it stands, the Navy has eight MOCs responsible to eight fleet commanders. A cyber functional MOC was introduced as Commander, U.S. Tenth Fleet, with guidance to respond to any mission required of their global mission. In 2012, US Fleet Forces Commander, ADM William Gortney, directed his subordinates, including the Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, to organize into the Maritime Headquarters (MHQ)/Maritime Operations Center (MOC) structure to meet CNO’s intent. The MOC Standardization Manual (OPNAV M-3500.42 of 6 Nov 2014) states that “Although the role of providing and preparing the force may differ from fleet to fleet, the role of employing the force does not. Although each MOC has organized differently and has a different physical plant, the processes and tasks expected by combatant commanders and peer mission partners are largely the same.” For global functional commanders, like U.S. Tenth Fleet and Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, we have to modify and adjust the standard model to meet global force objectives. This paper describes our process and future efforts to establish a global MOC to more effectively command and control our support to the fleet.
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Recommended Citation
Gallaudet, Timothy
"Naval Oceanography or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the MOC,"
MOC Warfighter: Vol. 1:
5, Article 3.
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