Newport Arctic Scholars Initiative



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The Arctic region, defined in this report to include the Arctic Ocean and land masses north of the Arctic Circle (approximately 66 degrees’ north latitude), has certainly seen its share of conflict. Compared to other regions, inhospitable conditions and lack of maritime access has prevented large scale deployment of forces. In this vast space — stretching from Europe to the Pacific Island chains — the foundations of commerce and security are established through sea, air, and rail links. The region relies on secure supply chain connectivity and sustainable development that is implemented in a transparent and equitable way. As fears of a new cold war brew, however, the guarantors of that international order such as the Arctic Council and Arctic Coast Guard Forum, to name a few, may be not be sufficient to ensure security and dialogue in the region.

Publication Date



U.S. Naval War College


Newport, Rhode Island


Newport Arctic Scholars Initiative, NASI, Arctic, Conflict, Security, Cooperation

Report No.1: Conflict Prevention and Security Cooperation in the Arctic Region—Frameworks of the Future
