Naval War College Review
Volume 20, Number 1 (1967) January
Full Issue
January 1967 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
Staff and Faculty: The Balance of Payments Problem, The Dollar, and United States Worldwide Responsibilities—Part I
William A. Dymsza
School of Naval Command and Staff: The Tribal Soldier: A Study of the Manipulation of Ethnic Minorities
Howard J. Johnston
Book Reviews
Here Is Your Enemy
W. J. White and James Cameron
The Military Intellectuals in Britain: 1918-1939
O. W. Hamilton and Robin Hingam
Strategy for the Americas
I.E.M. Donovan and Joseph W. Reidy
The Rand Corporation
W. D. Clark and Bruce L.R. Smith
Power and Impotence
B. E. Keith, Edmund Stillman, and William Pfaff
The Thought Revolution
H. R. Jones, Chi-ping Tung, and Humphrey Evans