Naval War College Review
Volume 24, Number 1 (1971) January
"Before the War, the North Atlantic Squadron at Hampton Roads," by Carlton T. Chapman (1860-1925)—a famous artist of naval ships and maritime scenes. This work was presented to the Naval Historical Division of the Office, Chief of Naval Operations in July 1958 by Captain Richard G. Colbert, who is now serving as President of the Naval War College.
Full Issue
January 1971 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes: Challenge!
R. G. Colbert
War: Limitations and National Priorities
James A. Barber Jr.
National Cultural Characteristics and National Power
Clyde B. Sargent
U.S. Oceanic Programs and Policy
A. Denis Clift
The Officer Corps in an All-Volunteer Force: Will College Men Serve?
Robert L. Nichols, Alfred R. Saeger Jr., Hans H. Driessnack, LeRoy House, and Richard G. Reid
The Soviet Presence in the Mediterranean: A Short History
Philipe Masson, J. Labayle Couhat, Gary G. Sick, and Karlan K. Sick
Flying and Expressive Self-Testing: An Exploratory Consideration
John M. Roberts and James O. Wicke
Systems Analysis: A Missing Element in Foreign Policy Planning
Richard F. Norford