Naval War College Review
Volume 44, Number 4 (1991) Autumn
The battleship USS Wisconsin (BB 64) fires a Tomahawk missile from an after starboard armored box launcher during Persian Gulf operations in support of Operation Desert Storm. Also visible in this view are a Harpoon canister launcher, the forward Mark 37 gun fire control system, and the forward Mark 15 close-in weapon system. The effectiveness of high-technology systems in the Persian Gulf War is having an impact upon Soviet military thinking, the subject of Mary C . FitzGerald's analysis beginning on page 16.
Full Issue
Autumn 1991 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President’s Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
World Order from Hiroshima to Kuwait
Paul N. Nitze
The Soviet Military and the New "Technological Operation" in the Gulf
Mary C. FitzGerald
The Transatlantic Dimension of Persian Gulf Security
Steve A. Yetiv
U.S. Combat Forces in Germany: Mission Accomplished
David Brian Lasher
The Kuriles: Passage or Obstruction to Regional Peace?
Rex M. Takahashi
The Strategic Keyboard: A Model to Relate the Principles of War
Guillermo R. Delamer
Book Reviews
U-Boats in the Bay of Biscay: An Essay in Operations Analysis
Wayne P. Hughes and Brian McCue
The Navy as a Fighting Machine
Frank C. Mahncke and Bradley A. Fiske
The Art of Wargaming
Timothy Somes and Peter P. Perla
Science and the Navy: The History of the Office of Naval Research
Dale Pace and Harvey M. Sapolsky
The Training of Officers: From Military Professionalism to Irrelevance
Jan van Tol and Martin van Creveld
Reflections on Intelligence
James O'Brasky and R. V. Jones
This People's Navy
Edward Beach and Kenneth J. Hagan
The Banana Wars: A History of United States Military Intervention in Latin America from the SpanishAmerican War to the Invasion of Panama
W. D. Bushnell and Ivan Musicant
Our Kind of War: Illustrated Saga of the U.S. Marine Raiders of World War II
W.P.C. Morgenthaler Jr. and R. G. Rosenquist
Ridgway Duels for Korea
Douglas Kinnard and Roy E. Appleman
The Beatty Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, Vol. I: 1902-1918
John B. Hattendorf and Brian Ranft
The German Navy in the Nazi Era
J. K. Holloway Jr. and Charles S. Thomas
Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs 1939-1945
Peter Mispelkamp and Anthony Martienssen
Geleitschiffe der U.S. Navy: Von der Evarts bis zur Claud Jones Klasse (Escort ships of the U.S. Navy: From the Evarts class through the Claud Jones class)
Richard Cross III and Stefan Terzibaschitsch
United States Overseas Basing: An Anatomy of the Dilemma
William Hickman and James R. Blaker
Dangerous Capabilities: Paul Nitze and the Cold War
Lawrence J. Korb and David Callahan
Glasnost, Perestroika and U.S. Defense Spending
John A. Walgreen and William W. Kaufmann
The Impoverished Superpower: Perestroika and the Soviet Military Burden
Walter C. Uhler, Henry S. Rowen, and Charles Wolf Jr.
Claws of the Bear: The History of the Red Army from the Revolution to the Present
Peter Kenez and Brian Moynahan
The Spy in the Russian Club
E. D. Smith Jr. and Ronald Kessler
Chinese Defense and Foreign Policy
Michael Byrnes, June Teufel Dreyer, and Iipyong J. Kim
To California by Sea: A Maritime History of the California Gold Rush
Barry M. Gough and James P. Delgado
A Peace to End all Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914-1922
Thomas Seal and David Fromkin
From Beirut to Jerusalem
Carol Ford Benson and Thomas Friedman
Additional Writings
In My View
W. J. Holland, Robert P. Fairchild, Harry A. Rausch, and Sam J. Tangredi
Recent Books
Frank Uhlig Jr.

U.S. Navy photograph by PH1 Bruce Morris, U.S. Navy.