Naval War College Review
Volume 47, Number 4 (1994) Autumn
"Norfolk Sunset"—a Belknap-class cruiser and two Spruance-class destroyers alongside at the Destroyer-Submarine Piers, Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, in fall 1992. This photograph, by Lt. Cdr. Thomas D. Walczyk, DC, U.S. Navy, of the Branch Dental Clinic at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada, won Second Prize in the fifth annual All Hands photo contest, in the single-image color feature (amateur) category. The contest was featured in the February 1994 issue of that magazine.
Full Issue
August 1994 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President’s Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
Coalition Forces in the Korean War
Wayne Danzik
Reducing the Risks of Depending upon Foreign Industries
James F. Miskel
National Interests, National Security, and the Russian Navy
Victor Potvorov
Strategy for Increased Stability in Africa
Megna M. Diomande
French Strategy and the American Revolution: A Reappraisal
James Pritchard
Book Reviews
Sun Tzu: The New Translation of the Art of War
Arthur Waldron and J. H. Huang
Strategic Theories
John Arquilla and Raoul Castex
America's Military Revolution: Strategy and Structure after the Cold War
Alan L. Brown and William E. Odom
"Both Swords and Plowshares: Military Roles in the 1990s" and "The U.S. Military: Ready for the New World Order?"
James J. Tritten, Paul David Miller, and John E. Peters
The Politics of United States Foreign Policy
Donald E. Nuechterlein and Jerel A. Rosati
The Law of Naval Warfare: Targeting Enemy Merchant Shipping
J. L. Holloway III and Richard J. Grunawalt
Oceanography in the Next Decade: Building New Partnerships
James Kraska, Ocean Studies Board, and National Research Council
Jane's Underwater Warfare Systems, 1993-1994
Richard Cross III and Anthony J. Watts
Informing Statecraft: Intelligence for a New Century
Julie Neumann and Angelo Codevilla
The Military and the Media: Why the Press Cannot Be Trusted to Cover a War
Pascale Combelles and William V. Kennedy
Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War
Cole C. Kingseed and Rick Atkinson
Joint Air Operations: Pursuit of Unity in Command and Control, 1942-1991
Robert Pinnell, James A. Winnefeld, and Dana J. Johnson
Where Fate Calls: The HMAS Voyager Tragedy
Thomas-Durell Young and Tom Frame
Admirals and Empire: The United States Navy and the Caribbean, 1898-1945
John B. Hattendorf and Donald A. Yerxa
American Merchant Ships on the Yangtze, 1920-1941
Roger Dingman and David H. Grover
The National Guard and National Defense: The Mobilization of the Guard in World War II
Gary A. Trogdon and Robert B. Sligh
FDR: Into the Storm, 1937-1940: A History
Jan van Tol and Kenneth C. Davis
The Pearl Harbor Papers: Inside the Japanese Plans
W. D. Bushnell, Donald M. Goldstein, and Katherine V. Dillon
The Last Kamikaze: The Story of Admiral Matome Ugaki
John J. Doyle and Edwin P. Hoyt
King George V Class Battleships
James Goldrick and V. E. Tarrant
The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans
Steve C. Hawley and Charles Royster
The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy
William R. Hawkins and Spencer C. Tucker
Mutiny: A History of Naval Insurrection
Morris E. Elsen and Leonard F. Guttridge
Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence
Walter J. Johanson, Robert L. Taylor, and William E. Rosenbach
Lead On! A Practical Approach to Leadership
Sam J. Tangredi and Dave Oliver Jr.
The Whole Internet: User's Guide and Catalogue
Albert M. Bottoms and Ed Krol
Additional Writings
In My View
George Galdorisi, Peter Boyes, and I. B. Holley Jr.
Recent Books
Thomas B. Grassey

Lt. Cdr. Thomas D. Walczyk, DC, U.S. Navy. Reproduced by the permission of the photographer and with the kind assistance of All Hands.