Naval War College Review
Volume 49, Number 2 (1996) Spring
The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Kongo and a U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, both Aegis-equipped, operate with SH-60 helicopters. Bob E. Hobbs, of the Naval War College Graphics Arts Department, assembled and produced this impressionist rendering from several photographs using Corel Photo-Paint 5 software. For an assessment of the evolution of JMSDF roles, see the article by Professor Peter J. and Commander Mark S. Woolley beginning on page 59
Full Issue
Spring 1996 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President’s Notes
James R. Stark
The Changing Nature of Warfare?
Colin S. Gray
The New "RMA": It's Only Just Begun
James H. Patton Jr.
Professionalization and American Naval Modernization in the 1880s
William H. Thiesen
The Changing Status of American Society and a View to the Future
Claire L. Gaudiani
The Kata of Japan's Naval Forces
Peter J. Woolley and Mark S. Woolley
Swedish Security Policy at a Crossroads
Jörgen Ericsson
The Impact of Religious Belief in the Theater of Operations
Paul R. Wrigley
Set and Drift—"A Voyage through Modern Naval Fiction"
James A. Winnefeld
Book Reviews
New Challenges for Defense Planning: Rethinking How Much ls Enough
Alan L. Brown and Paul K. Davis
The Diffusion of Advanced Weaponry: Technologies, Regional Implications and Responses
Tom Cool and W. Thomas Wander
Seeking Security and Development: The Impact of Military Spending and Arms Transfers
James Miskel and Norman A. Graham
National Security: Defense Policy for a New International Order
Gary E. Monell and Donald M. Snow
Diplomacy, Force, and Leadership: Essays in Honor of Alexander L. George
Dan Struble, Dan Caldwell, and Timothy J. McKeown
Killer Spy
E. D. Smith Jr. and Peter Maas
Desert Warrior: A Personal View of the Gulf War by the Joint Forces Commander
Youssef H. Aboul-Enein and Khaled Bin Sultan
Prodigal Soldiers: How the Generation of Officers Born of Vietnam Revolutionized the American Style of War
Cole C. Kingseed and James Kitfield
The Nightingale's Song
James Stavridis and Robert Timberg
In Jeopardy: The Royal Navy and British Far Eastern Defence Policy, 1945-1951
Stanley D. M. Carpenter and Malcolm H. Murfett
Victory at Sea: World War II in the Pacific
William R. Cooper, James F. Dunnigan, and Albert A. Nofi
Breaching Fortress Europe: The Story of U.S. Engineers in Normandy on D-Day
Robert Goldberg and Sid Berger
"L'impegno navale italiano durante la guerra civile spagnola, 1936-1939" and "La Marine française et la guerre civile d'Espagne, 1936-1939"
Willard C. Frank Jr., Franco Bargoni, and Rene Sabatier de Lachadenede
Back from the Deep: The Strange Story of the Sister Subs Squalus and Sculpin
David Hildebrandt and Carl LaVO
The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1991
Nicholas Dujmovic and Martin Malia
Graf Spee's Raiders
Frank Mahncke and Keith Yates
The First Sea Lords: From Fisher to Mountbatten
Eugene L. Rasor and Malcolm H. Murfett
The Marine Corps' Search for a Mission, 1880-1898
J. Robert Moskin and Jack Shulimson
Brave Decisions: Moral Courage from the Revolutionary War to Desert Storm
James E. Swartz and Harry J. Maihafer
Let the Sea Make a Noise: A History of the North Pacific from Magellan to MacArthur
Jan van Tol and Walter A. McDougall
The Age of the Galley: Mediterranean Oared Vessels since Pre-classical Times
Peter K. Mispelkamp, John Morrison, Robert Gardiner, and Basil Greenhill
Additional Writings
In My View
Peter M. Swartz, Wayne P. Hughes Jr., and Mike Bowman
Recent Books
Thomas B. Grassey

Bob E. Hobbs, Naval War College