"Combined Arms Warfare in the Twentieth Century" by Barney Rubel

Naval War College Review


Barney Rubel


A retired Army officer formerly on the faculty of the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan- sas, Jonathan House has written an up- dated edition of a text he authored in the 1980s to support the education of Army officers. His express intentions are to strip the jargon in order to make the subject intelligible to a more general readership, and to update the book with an analysis of combined-arms progress in the 1990s. The result is a readable and lucid analysis of combined-arms warfare in the twentieth century, a work that a layman can follow without keeping a dic- tionary of military terms handy. For those with a genuine interest in mili- tary affairs, this book is ultimately re- warding. However, it is more about organizational dynamics than about bat- tles and tactics, and that may prove te- dious to the casual reader. House methodically traces the development of combined-arms practice in the major ar- mies of the world, offering just enough description of battles and campaigns to illustrate the effects of the various techni- cal and organizational developments over the years.
