
Naval War College Review

Volume 64, Number 4 (2011) Autumn

Our cover image was designed by the artists of the Naval War College’s Visual Communication Department to mark the entry to the office suite in newly renovated Luce Hall of the College’s International Programs staff. Since then it has become familiar about the campus as a symbol of the extensive (and growing) activity of the International Programs organization—comprising primarily its two resident programs, the Naval Command College and Naval Staff College—and of the College’s contribution to maritime security cooperation in general.

Full Issue


Full Autumn 2011 Issue
The U.S. Naval War College

From the Editor


From the Editors
Carnes Lord

President's Forum


Book Reviews


Essays in Naval History, from Medieval to Modern
John B. Hattendorf and N. A.M. Rodger


D-Day: The Battle for Normandy
David L. Teska and Antony Beevor


The Emperor’s Handbook: A New Translation of the Meditations
Jeff Shaw, C. Scot Hicks, and David V. Hicks

Reflections on Reading


Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson

Additional Writings


In My View
Trent Hone and Joseph Forbes


Wall mural in Sims Hall, Naval War College, by Gigi Davis, Visual Communications Department Head.