Naval War College Review
A former CIA analyst turned scholar, Stephen Marrin attempts to bridge the gap between intelligence studies as an academic discipline and intelligence as a bureaucratic function. His analysis grounded in the intelligence litera- ture, Marrin provides readers a good overview of such intelligence-studies classics as those of Sherman Kent, Roger Hilsman, and Richards Heuer, along with more contemporary work by Roger George, James Bruce, Richard Betts, and Amy Zegart. Marrin certainly displays a penchant for the academic that is informed by his former role as an intelligence analyst. He believes “intelligence scholarship can provide knowledge and insight useful for the analytic practitioner; so useful in fact, that it will help improve the quality of the resulting intelligence analysis.”
Recommended Citation
Reveron, Derek
"Improving Intelligence Analysis: Bridging the Gap betweenScholarship and Practice,"
Naval War College Review: Vol. 65:
3, Article 13.
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