"Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities of the Russian Fed" by Russia Maritime Studies Institute, Anna Davis et al.

RMSI Research



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Russia is taking a systematic approach to developing its presence in the maritime domain. Three documents published by Moscow since 2015 provide the roadmap for Russia’s global maritime ambitions. These are the Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2015), the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Naval Operations to 2030 (2017), and this document, the 2019 Strategy for the Development of Russia’s Maritime Activities to 2030. The Maritime Doctrine and the Naval Fundamentals articulate high-level policy objectives and provide a set of ways and means for achieving those objectives. In contrast, the Strategy focuses on implementation challenges as well as ways to determine measures of effectiveness in achieving the ends stated by its predecessor documents.

Publication Date

August 2019


Russia Maritime Studies Institute


Newport, Rhode Island


Russian Federation, Russia, U.S.S.R., Russian Navy, Strategy

Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities of the Russian Federation until 2030
