The van Beuren Leadership and Ethics Series
The van Beuren Studies in Leadership and Ethics series was established to advance scholarship and publish thought-provoking works of analysis in the fields of leadership and ethics, with special attention to their application to the military; to further CNO initiatives in leadership and ethics; to help educate Naval War College students; and to help inform the joint force.
The Naval War College and the Naval War College Press thank the Naval War College Foundation and the Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust for their generous support.
James B. Stockdale on Leadership, Ethics, and Education
Thomas J. Gibbons, Timothy J. Demy, and Gina Granados Palmer
The items in this volume are drawn from the archives of the Naval War College and represent writings of Admiral Stockdale about leadership, ethics, and education. Among the materials presented are published and unpublished speeches, letters, short articles, and a manuscript. Some of the material has been published previously, while some of it is being presented for the first time. The latter materials are presented essentially unedited so that readers and researchers have the material as Stockdale wrote it originally.
Readers will find recurring themes in Admiral Stockdale’s writings; he wove his ideas and values into every one of his oral and written works, creating a tapestry, in much the same way that a composer repeats and then varies a theme in a musical composition. Stockdale understood that values have consequences; thematic repetition of ideas emphasizes their importance.
Because of his belief in the importance of ideas, and coupling that belief with his experiences in Vietnam, Admiral Stockdale taught a unique elective at the Naval War College, titled Foundations of Moral Obligation. That course continues to the present, carrying on Stockdale’s values and legacy.
Admiral Stockdale’s son, Dr. James B. Stockdale II, opens the work with reminiscences of, and the importance of ideas to, his father. Fellow POW and Naval War College professor emeritus Porter Halyburton provides insight on Stockdale’s leadership while in captivity and the role of ethics in leadership.
Ethics and the Twenty-First-Century Military Professional
Timothy J. Demy
We enter into military service with the belief that joining the profession of arms means being part of something greater than ourselves. Being part of something greater requires each member of the profession to grow individually, improving every day to be better. This pattern of seeking growth is at the very core of the most successful professionals, including their contributions to the profession of arms.
Awards Documentation
U.S. Naval War College Press
This file is intended to accompany and serve as a resource to support the U.S. Naval War College publication John A. van Beuren Studies in Leadership and Ethics 1: Lieutenant Commander Robert Crosby, USN, Inspiring Innovation: Examining the Operational, Policy, and Technical Contributions Made by Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely Jr. and His Successors (Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 2018).
Inspiring Innovation
Robert Crosby
These accounts of the early lives, Navy appointments, and career accomplishments of the African American officers who followed in the trail that Vice Admiral Gravely blazed are offered to document the determination demonstrated and the successes achieved, under the often trying circumstances of bias encountered and obstacles that had to be overcome that the admiral mentioned in his formula for success.