Naval War College Review
Volume 12, Number 8 (1959) October
Full Issue
October 1959 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
Titoism and the Cold War
Andrew Gyorgy
The Federal Republic of Germany
John B. Mason
Book Reviews
What We Are For
Arthur Larson
The French Navy in WorId War II
Paul Auphan and Jacques Mordal
In Every War But One
E. Kinkead
The Great Decision
Michael Amrine
The Nature and Function of International Organization
Stephen S. Goodspeed
Radicals and Conservatives
William McGovern and David Collier
Protracted Conflict
R. Strausz-Hupe, W. R. Kintner, J. E. Dougherty, and A. J. Cottrell
The U.S. Naval War College