Naval War College Review
Volume 21, Number 2 (1968) February
Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze (American, 1816-1868). Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of John S. Kennedy, 1897.
Full Issue
February 1968 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes: Challenge!
John T. Hayward
Organization of a Power System: Unilateralism and The Balance of Power
Hans J. Morganthau
Cold War Operations: The Politics of Communist Confrontation, Part IV — The Communist Control System
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
Postwar International Relations: Problems and Conflicts in Asia
Frederick J. Horrigan
Canton Government and American Reaction, 1921-1925
Reo A. Beaulieu
The Formosa Resolution, 1954-1955, 1958
Albert J. Ashurst
The World Food Problem
Allen D. Tillman
Book Reviews
Strategy of Action
B. V. Ajemian and André Beaufre
Worlds in Conflict
T. F. Lukas and Denis W. Brogan
The New Economics of National Defense
W. D. Clark and John J. Clark
Mafeking: a Victorian Legend
J. E. Godfrey and Brian Gardner
The American Naval Revolution
R. H. Wilson and Walter R. Herrick Jr.
Victor Charlie
R. L. Dodd and Kuno Knoebl
W. K. Callam and Malcolm Mackintosh
Counter-lnsurgency Operations; Techniques of Guerrilla Warfare
R. N. Peterson and Julian Paget
Journey through China
J. D. Stevens and Jules Roy
Balance of Payments
F. R. Root and Jacques Rueff
Africa: the Politics of Unity
F. W. Ulbricht and Immanuel Wallerstein
United States Policy and the Third World
A. J. Ashurst and Charles Wolf Jr.
Additional Writing
Set & Drift
T. C. Dutton