Naval War College Review
Volume 24, Number 8 (1971) October
U.S.S. Constitution, reproduced from a chromolithograph print from the collection of Capt. Beatrice M. Truitt, USN.
Full Issue
October 1971 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
Soviet Maritime Policies
Irwin M. Heine
Problems and Prospects of the United States Shipbuilding Industry
Ellis B. Gardner Jr.
Public Diplomacy and the Missiles of October
G. Scott Sugden
The Changing Thai-United States Alliance: Implications for the Nixon Doctrine in Asia
John D. Caswell
Changing Soviet Oil Interests: Implications for the Middle East
C. Powell Hutton
Additional Writings
The Barometer
E. V. Crangle
Correspondence Course Descriptions
Robert M. Laske