Naval War College Review
Volume 27, Number 2 (1974) March-April
Full Issue
March & April 1974 Review
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
Missions of the U.S. Navy
Stansfield Turner
The Meaning and Significance of the Gorshkov Articles
Clyde A. Smith
A Multipolar 1984
Walter L. Barrows
The Soviet Navy & Ocean Law
Mark W. Janis
An Inter-American to the Law of the Sea?
Charles L. Cochran
Non-Caucasian Recruiting and the Occupational Structure of the Navy
Roger D. Little and Raymond F. Turner
The Submarine and The Washington Conference of 1921
Lawrence H. Douglas
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Grand Strategy: Principles and Practices
B.M. Simpson III
Consequences of Failure
Jeffrey P. Bacher
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Algeria
Richard Dale