Naval War College Review
Volume 30, Number 2 (1977) Spring
The Tall Ships in Newport harbor, June 1976, with the bowsprit, USCGC Eagle in the foreground.
Full Issue
Spring 1977 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes: Firing Line
Julien J. LeBourgeois
Changing Naval Operations and Military Intervention
Michael MccGwire
An Analysis of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974
Lawrence J. Korb
Saudi Arabia and the Law of the Sea
James P. Piscatori
The PCI, NATO, and the United States
W. Scott Thompson
Set & Drift: National Security Models and Vietnam
Huntly E. Shelton Jr.
Set & Drift: A Contemporary Political Dilemma: The Impact of Intelligence Operations on Foreign Policy
James T. Westwood
Book Reviews
Professional Reading
David Joseph Kenney
Men from the Dreadnoughts
Michael F.H. Dennis and Henry Baynham
Prelude to Disaster: The American Role in Vietnam, 1940-1963
John Lewis Gaddis and Weldon A. Brown
The Opium War, 1840-1842
Bernard D. Cole and Peter Ward Fay
Germany and the Politics of Nuclear Weapons
Frederick H. Hartmann and Catherine McArdle Kelleher
The System for Educating Military Officers in the U.S.
Thomas W. Carr and Lawrence J. Korb
United States/Soviet Military Balance
J. P. Morse and The Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service
Strategic Bombing in World War II: The Story of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey
Marilyn Z. Wellons and David MacIsaac
Operation Menace
B. M. Simpson III and Arthur Marder
The Making of the Monroe Doctrine
Howard I. Kushner and Ernest R. May
Napoleon and Talleyrand: The Last Two Weeks
Steven Ross and Barbara Norman
World War II: An Account of its Documents
David Miles, James F. O'Neill, and Robert W. Krauskopf
The Cruise Missile: Bargaining Chip or Defense Bargain?
David G. Clark, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr., and Jacquelyn K. Davis
Soviet Strategy in Europe
Harlen K. Ullman and Richard Pipes
Executive Protection Manual
Robert F. Delaney, Ian Reber, and Paul Shaw
A Man Called Intrepid
W.P.C. Morgenthaler and William Stevenson
Precarious Security
Herman J. Long Jr. and Maxwell D. Taylor
The Oil Crisis
John A. Walgreen and Raymond Vernon
The Soviet View of War, Peace and Neutrality
Ralph N. Channell and P.H. Vigor
The Atlantic Wall
Robert E. Wolff and Alan F. Wilt
Additional Writings
The Barometer
Patrick McLaren
Recent Books
B. M. Simpson
Cumulative Index
B. M. Simpson

Photo by Lt. Comdr. G.G. Riggle, U.S. Navy.