Naval War College Review
Volume 30, Number 3 (1977) Summer
Cover: Rear Admiral Henry E. Eccles, U.S. Navy (Ret.). Oil painting by Tony Sarro, Naval War College, 1970.
Full Issue
Summer 1977 Review
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
H. Hardisty
Henry E. Eccles, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret)
Arleigh Burke, Thomas S. Estes, and Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr.
Military Unionization: The Central Issues
Henry E. Eccles
The State of American English
Edwin Newman
The Détente Debate
Frederick H. Hartmann
The Early French Resistance in Paris
Martin Blumenson
The Uses of Naval Force
James A. Barber
Towards a New Order of U.S. Maritime Policy
Geoffrey Kemp and Harlan Ullman
The Militarization of Soviet Youth
David M. Gist
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Navies and Foreign Policy
B.M Simpson III
When Hell was in Session
Lockett F. Ballard
The Department of State
Frederick H. Hartmann
Superior Orders in National and International Law
Howard S. Levie
The Chinese Communist Party In Power, 1949-1976
Allan B. Cole
The Royal Navy and North America
John B. Hattendorf
Electronics and Sea Power
M.G.M.W. Ellis
Perception and Misperception in International Relations
Richard Ned Lebow
The Court-Martial of George Armstrong Custer
Robert C. Berkley
Curtis Carroll Davis
Valour Fore and Aft:
William James Morgan
The Lessons Of Vietnam
B.M. Simpson III