Naval War College Review
Volume 31, Number 2 (1978) Winter
"Tripolar Equilibrium" by Ian Oliver, Naval War College Graphic Arts Branch.
Full Issue
Winter 1978 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes: Firing Line
James B. Stockdale
Three Powers—Two Oceans
Charles Burton Marshall
Strategic Deterrence and the Cruise Missile
Edward J. Ohlert
Reflections on Multipolarity
William A. Platte
Factors Involved in a Review of the Code of Conduct for the Armed Forces
Harold L. Hitchens
Professional Self-Image and the Soviet Navy
Kenneth R. McGruther
Military Unions for the U.S.: The Irrelevance of the European Experience
William J. Taylor Jr.
Book Reviews
Professional Reading
John B. Hattendorf and Geoffrey Bennett
The Vildé Affair: Beginnings of the French Resistance
B. Mitchell Simpson III and Martin Blumenson
The Brereton Diaries
David MacIsaac and Lewis Brereton
War and Society: A Yearbook of Military History
John H. Maurer, Brian Bond, and Ian Roy
Military Law. 2nd ed.
Tim Murphy and Edward M. Byrne
The Secret War Report of the OSS
Ronald D. Vanden Dorpel and Anthony Cave Brown
U-Boat Killer
John Morse and Donald MacIntyre
Setting National Priorities-The 1978 Budget
Lawrence J. Korb and Joseph Pechman
A Game of Titans
James T. Westwood and Gary Alan Ruse
The Unmaking of a President (Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam)
John B. Bonds and Herbert Y. Schandler
Preparing for the Next War: American Plans for Postwar Defense, 1941-45
John Lewis Gaddis and Michael S. Sherry
World War I in the Air: A Bibliography and Chronology
David MacIsaac and Myron J. Smith Jr.
The Army-Navy Game
Robert Finley Delaney and Roy Stratton
Politics of the Indian Ocean Region: The Balance of Power
R. K. Ramazani and Ferenc A. Vali
The Battle of the Java Sea
Paul S. Dull and F.C. van Oosten
Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State
Thomas E. Kelly III and Daniel Yergin
Review Article: Recent Research On the Military in Society
Ronald Cosper, Nancy L. Goldman, David R. Segal, and Jacques Van Doorn
Recent Books
W. R. Pettyjohn
Additional Writings
The Barometer
H. G. Rickover