Naval War College Review
Volume 32, Number 4 (1979) May-June
Cover: Continental Sloop Providence, Painting by W.N. van Powell.
Full Issue
May & June 1979 Review
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
Taking Stock
James B. Stockdale
Law of the Sea
Elliot L. Richardson
Strategy: The Theory and Application
Henry E. Eccles
Managing Analysis: The Client's Responsibility
George F. Brown
Terrorist, Atoms and The Future: Understanding the Threat
Augustus R. Norton
Perspectives on Strategic Arms Limitations
Lawrewnce J. Korb and George F. Brown Jr
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Admiral Bradley A Fiske and the American Navy
W.R. Pettyjohn
Eurocommunism: Implications for East and West
Mark N. Katz
Mao Tsetung on Guerrilla Warfare
Robert D. King
Nuclear Arms in the Third World
J.P. Morse
Warriors at Work
J.Eric Fredland
Adlai Stevenson and the World
Thomas H. Etzold
On the Shores of Bab Al-Mandab
Joseph E. Thach Jr.
Analyzing Soviet Strategic Arms Decisions
William C. Potter
Outer Space: Battlefield of the Future?
M.G.M.W. Ellis
Our Endless War: inside Vietnam
Mark N. Katz
American Military Biographies
James C. Bradford
Additional Writing
Set and Drift
Michael A. West, Gary S. Zeigler, and W.A. Platte