Naval War College Review
Volume 45, Number 2 (1992) Spring
An attack on London during the World War II Battle of Britain, a campaign foretold with remarkable prescience in a 1937 lecture by the commander of the R.A.F. Fighter Command, Sir Hugh Dowding; his lecture is reprinted with annotations in this issue. Painting by Mr. Bob Hobbs of the Naval War College Graphic Arts Department. (For more information on the cover and the artist, see page 50.)
Full Issue
Spring 1993 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President’s Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
Naval Aviation, Information, and the Future
Leo S. Mackay Jr.
Employment of the Fighter Command in Home Defence
Hugh Dowding, John Monsarrat, and Robert S. Staley II
Alternative Naval Strategies
Guillermo J. Montenegro
Defense of Shipping in the Western Hemisphere: A Second Look
Jeane H. Stetson
Book Reviews
Deterrence and the Revolution in Soviet Military Doctrine
Jeffrey L. Canfield and Raymond L. Garthoff
Perestroika and Soviet National Security
William F. Hickman and Michael MccGwire
Inside Spetsnaz: Soviet Special Operations, A Critical Analysis
Sam J. Tangredi and William H. Burgess
The Coming War with Japan
Gary Anderson, George Friedman, and Meredith Le Bard
The New Australian Militarism: Undermining our Future Security
Thomas-Durell Young, Graeme Cheeseman, and St. John Kettle
Intervention or Neglect: The United States and Central America beyond the 1980s
J.D. Waghelstein and Linda Robinson
Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World War
I.B. Holley Jr. and John Ellis
Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War
Pelham G. Boyer, Elliot A. Cohen, and John Gooch
The Big Three: Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin in Peace and War
Cole C. Kingseed and Robin Edmonds
The Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign: A Study of Failure in High Command
W.A.B. Douglas and John A. English
Operation Drumbeat
Edwin L. Ebbert and Michael Gannon
Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark Battle
Anthony Walker and Richard D. Frank
"Old Friends New Enemies: The Royal Navy and the lmperial Japanese Navy, Vol. II: The Pacific War, 1942-1945" and "Operation Pacific: The Royal Navy's War against Japan, 1941-1945"
John H. Maurer, Arthur J. Marder, Mark Jacobsen, John Horsfield, and Edwyn Gray
Naval Officers under Hitler: The Story of Crew 34
Marvin Butcher and Erich C. Rust
Bismark and the Development of Germany, Vol. I: The Period of Unification, 1815-1871; Vol. II: The Period of Consolidation, 1871-1880; Vol. III: The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898
Holger H. Herwig and Otto Pflanze
A Whisper of Espionage: Wolfgang Kohler and the Apes of Tenerife
E.D. Smith Jr. and Ronald Ley
The Elephant and the Tiger: The Full Story of the Vietnam War
W. D. Bushnell and Wilbur H. Morrison
The United States and Vietnam, 1787-1941
Charles S. Ahlgren and Robert Hopkins Miller
The Eagle and the Dragon: The United States Military in China, 1901-1937
Michael T. Byrnes and Dennis L. Noble
The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol. I: Fort Sumter to Perryville; Vol. 11: Fredricksburg to Meridian; Vol. Ill: Red River to Appomattox
Albert M. Bottoms and Shelby Foote
Dictionary of Admirals of the U.S. Navy, 1862-1900, Vol. I
John B. Hattendorf and William B. Cogar
Jane's Underwater Warfare Systems
Frank C. Mahncke and Anthony J. Watts
Marine 2000
Stefan Terzibaschitsch and Heinz Dieter Jopp
Flying Cats: The Catalina Aircraft in World War II
Richard F. Cross III and Andrew Hendrie
Additional Writings
In My View
John Francis Fitzpatrick and Arun Prakash
Recent Books
Frank Uhlig Jr.