Naval War College Review
Volume 45, Number 4 (1992) Autumn
"Adroit Marks the Way for Princeton," one of a series of Gulf War paintings by Navy combat artist John Charles Roach. In notes written for a recent exhibition of this collection at the Naval War College Museum, the artist describes the incident, which occurred in the northern Persian Gulf on 18-19 February 1991: "With the use of hand flares, USS Adroit (MSO 509) marks possible mines in an effort to extract the already damaged Princeton (CG 59) from a minefield. USS Beaufort (ATS 2) pulls the Princeton free of the minefield during a night-long effort."
Full Issue
Autumn 1992 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President’s Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
A Talk Followed by Questions and Answers: U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, 8 November 1991
Nikolaevich Chernavin
Europe: Transfigured or Transfixed?
Robert S. Wood
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the American Occupation of Iceland
Michael T. Corgan
The Independent Baltic States: Maritime Security Implications
Jeffrey L. Canfield
I. "Technology, Culture, and the Modern Battleship"
Jon Tetsuro Sumida
II. "Technology, Culture, and the Modern Battleship"
Albert M. Bottoms
Set and Drift—I. Giulio Doubet Vindicated: Desert Storm 1991
John F. Jones Jr.
Set and Drift—II. Naval Forces in Support of International Sanctions: The Deira Patrol
Adam D. Siegel
Book Reviews
The Lessons of History
Dennis E. Showalter and Michael Howard
History of the Art of War
Holger H. Herwig and Hans Delbrück
Samuel Eliot Morison's Historical World
Dean C. Allard and Gregory M. Pfitzer
In Harm's Way: American Seapower and the 21st Century
William F. Hickman and Harlan K. Ullman
Decisions for Defense: Prospects for a New Order
John A. Walgreen, William W. Kaufmann, and John D. Steinbruner
War, Peace, and Victory: Strategy and Statecraft for the Next Century
Thomas Grassey and Colin S. Gray
Science and International Security: Responding to a Changing World
Albert M. Bottoms and Eric H. Arnett
An Unknown Future and a Doubtful Present: Writing the Victory Plan of 1941
Edward S. Miller and Charles E. Kirkpatrick
Fleet to Fleet Encounters: Tsushima, Jutland, Philippine Sea
Wayne Hughes and Eric Grove
"Dive Bomber: Learning to Fly the Navy's Planes," and "Fighting Squadron: A Sequel to Dive Bomber"
Robert B. Pinnell, Robert A. Winston, and Robert Winston
"With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa," and "Peleliu, Tragic Triumph: The Untold Story of the Pacific War's Forgotten Battle"
Anthony Walker, E. B. Sledge, and Bill D. Ross
The Breaking Point: Sedan and the Fall of France, 1940
John H. Maurer and Robert Allan Doughty
Beyond Stalingrad: Manstein and the Operations of Army Group Don
Cole C. Kingseed and Dana V. Sadarananda
Tannenberg: Clash of Empires
Walter C. Uhler and Dennis E. Showalter
How CNN Fought the War: A View from the Inside
Colin F. Mayo and Perry M. Smith
Newsmen and National Defense: ls Conflict Inevitable?
Jack A. Gottschalk and Lloyd J. Matthews
Arctic Leverage: Canadian Sovereignty and Security
R.W.H. McKillip and Nathaniel French Caldwell
Reflections on the Royal Australian Navy
Richard D. Fisher Jr., T.R. Frame, J.V.P. Goldrick, and P.D. Jones
The South Pacific: Political, Economic and Military Trends
Thomas-Durell Young and Henry S. Albinski
The Certain Trumpet: Maxwell Taylor & the American Experience in Vietnam
Lewis Sorley and Douglas Kinnard
The Economic Diplomacy of the Suez Crisis
Jan van Tol and Diane B. Kunz
Dirty Little Secrets: Military Information You're Not Supposed to Know
Chris Staszak, James F. Dunnigan, and Albert A. Nofi
"Words on War: Military Quotations from Ancient Times to the Present," and "The Dictionary of War Quotations"
Theodore L. Gatchel, Jay M. Shafritz, and Justin Wintle
Additional Writings
In My View
John R. Wadleigh, Robert C. Whitten, Ronald A. Perron, and Edgar P. Bruce
Recent Books
Frank Uhlig Jr.

Courtesy Navy Art Collection, Naval Historical Center, and the Naval War College Museum.