Naval War College Review
Volume 47, Number 1 (1994) Winter
Two USS Kitty Hawk F-14 Tomcats fly sunset "touch-and-goes" in this dramatic painting by William S. Phillips entitled "Those Last Critical Moments." The aircraft approaching from the right, tailhook lowered, is lining up on the vertical red "drop lights" on the transom and also on the green "meatball" (visible between and slightly higher than the horizontal green "datums" forward on the flight deck, to the left). A-7 Corsairs and SH-3 Sea King helicopters are parked on deck. (Copyright, The Greenwich Workshop, Inc., Trumbull, Conn., (800) 243-4246; by permission.)
Full Issue
Winter 1994 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
The New International Security Order: Changing Concepts
Inis L. Claude Jr.
Sea Power: The Great Enabler
Colin S. Gray
Stealth Technology in Surface Warships
John W. McGillvray Jr.
The Argentine Navy and United Nations Peace-Keeping Operationsin the Gulf of Fonseca
Juan Carlos Neves
Admiral S.O. Makarov and Naval Theory
David R. Jones
Confronting Technological and Tactical Change: Allied Antisubmarine Warfare in the Last Year of the Battle of the Atlantic
Douglas M. McLean
"A Dazzling Vision of Antiseptic Warfare"
Robert C. Rubel
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
The German High Command at War
Dennis Showalter
The Roots of Blitzkrieg: Hans von Seeckt and German Military Reform
Walter J. Johanson
Six Days in June: How Israel Won the 1967 Aral-lsraeli War
Cole C. Kingseed
Divided We Stand,
Carl O. Schuster
Yankees in the Land of the Gods
John Bex
Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara
Douglas Kinnard
Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above, 1928-1941
Walter C. Uhler
Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy
Michael A. Palmer
Preparing for the Twenty-first Century
Alan L. Brown
Points of Conflict: Understanding War, by W.B. Gallie, and The Framework of Operational Warfare
Harold R. Winton
Force and Diplomacy in the Future
Heath Twichell
Responding to Low-Intensity Conflict Challenges
Gary A. Trogdon
Sharks of Steel
James Patton
Small Craft Navies
George Galdorisi
Rogue Warrior,
Sam J. Tangredi
The Wars of America
Albert M. Bottoms
World War II: The Best of American Heritage, and Eyewitness to World War II: The Best of American Heritage
Pelham G. Boyer
The Norton Book of Modem War
Thomas-Durell Young
Additional Writings
In My View
David Miller
Set and Drift
The U.S. Naval War College
II. The Application of Space to Military and Naval Operations
Thomas G. Seigel

(Copyright, The Greenwich Workshop, Inc., Trumbull, Conn., (800) 243-4246; by permission.).