Naval War College Review
Volume 48, Number 1 (1995) Winter
The essential question that navies resolve in wartime- according to Frank Uhlig,Jr., Editor Emeritus of this journal and author of the article "How Navies Fight, and Why," in this issue- is which belligerent's shipping shall flow and which shall not. The engagement portrayed on this issue's cover resulted from an attack upon a British convoy off the cast coast of England by the Continental frigate Bonhomme Richrard, John Paul Jones commanding, and the frigates Alliance and Pallas. Two Royal Navy escorts, the frigate HMS Serapis and sloop-of-war Countess of Scarborough, disputed the attempt. In the end, both Royal Navy ships surrendered, but Jones's frigate sank with 150 dead - and the merchantmen escaped safely.
Full Issue
Winter 1995 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
What"... From the Sea" Didn't Say
Edward A. Smith
How Navies Fight, and Why
Frank Uhlig
Interoperability in Multinational Coalitions
Juan Carlos Neves
Key Geostrategic Trends: A Cloudy Crystal Ball
Peter Schoettle
Not Ready for the First Space War
Steven J. Bruger
From Archidamus to Alexander: The Revolution in Greek Warfare
Charles D. Hamilton
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Crisis in the Gulf: Enforcing the Rule of Law
Myron H. Nordquist
International Peacekeeping
James Kraska
Ecocide in the USSR: Health and Nature under Siege
Lawrence Modisett
Genius: The Life and Science ef Richard Feynman
Albert M. Bottoms
Low-Intensity Conflict in American History
Miles L. Kara
Crosswinds: The Air Force's Setup in Vietnam
I.B. Holley Jr.
Seaborne Deception: The History of U.S. Navy Beach Jumpers
Robert W. Cosgriff
Tin Can Sailor: Life Aboard the USS Sterett
R. A. Komorowski
Richthofen: Beyond the Legend of the Red Baron
H. Larry Elman
Sailor of the Air
Robert D. Pinnell
The AEF and Coalition Warmaking., 1917-1918
Cole C. Kingseed
The Advent of Steam: The Merchant Steamship before 1900
Peter Mispelkamp
Forging the King's Sword. Military Education between Tradition and Modernization: The Case of the Royal Prussian Cadet Corps
Holger H. Herwig
Additional Writings
In My View
Colin S. Gray and G.Stephen Lauer
Friendly Fire Incidents during World War II Naval Operations
Eleanor D. Gauker and Christopher G. Blood

William Gilkerson