Naval War College Review
Volume 48, Number 3 (1995) Summer
"Marine au large d'Alger" ("The Navy off Algiers''), a painting by Jean-Louis Paguenaud, suggests the richness of the tradition possessed by the French naval audience that heard Dr. Don Daniel's address, "The Evolution of Naval Power to the Year 2010," in this issue. From the collection of the Musee de la Marine, Paris; reproduced by the generosity and kind assistance of Rear Admiral Francois Bellec, Director, and Mme. Huyghues des Etages, Curator.
Full Issue
Summer 1995 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
Joseph C. Strasser
The Power in Doctrine
Wayne P. Hughes Jr.
Intergrated Medical Support in Joint Operations
Arthur M. Smith
The U.S. & Changing Approaches to National Security & World Order
Inis L. Claude Jr.
The Evolution of Naval Power to the Year 2010
Donald C.F. Daniel
The U.S. Navy's Search for a Strategy, 1945-1947
Robert E. Fisher
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
One Hundred Years of Sea Power: The U.S. Navy, 1890-1990,
James L. George
Gulf War: Air Power Survey Summary Report
James A. Winnefeld
The Persian Gulf after the Cold War
Steven Hecker
The Laws of War: A Comprehensive Collection of Primary Documents on International Law Governing Armed Conflict
Arthur R. Thomas
A History of Warfare
Frank Mahncke
Buying Trouble? National Security and Reliance on Foreign Industry
Joseph B. Starshak
The Icarus Syndrome: The Role of Air Power Theory in the Evolution and Fate of the U.S. Air Force
Barry D. Watts
Uncertain Warriors: Lyndon Johnson and His Vietnam Advisers
Cole C. Kingseed
The Search for Self-Reliance: Australian Defence Since Vietnam
Thomas-Durell Young
Paratrooper: The Lift and Times of General James Gavin
Douglas Kinnard
American Samurai: Myth, Imagination and the Conduct ofBattle in the Fint Marine Division, 1941-1951
Allan R. Millett
A Naval History of World War I
Frank Uhlig Jr.
A Buccaneer's Atlas: Basil Ringrose's South Sea Waggoner, A Sea Atlas and Sailing Directions of the Pacific Coast of the Americas, 1682
John B. Hattendorf
Additional Writings
In My View
Raymond A. Spruance
Set and Drift
The U.S. Naval War College
What Is Command and Control Warfare?
Dan Struble
A Simple, Functional Model of Modem Naval Conflict
Theodore C. Taylor

Jean-Louis Paguenaud