Naval War College Review
Volume 49, Number 1 (1996) Winter
Ian Marshall's . watercolor "USS Lehigh and USS Sangamon on the James River, Virginia, 1863" pictures two ironclads in a littoral role analogous to that performed the same year by other ironclads in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina.
Full Issue
Winter 1996 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
J.R. Stark
Nuclear-Armed Adversaries and the Joint Commander
Robert C. Kehler
The Role of Strategy in Great Power Decline
Peter J. Woolley
A Littoral Frustration: The Union Navy and the Siegeof Charleston, 1863-1865
Robert J. Schneller Jr
Doctrine for Naval Planning: The Once and Future Thing
Arthur A. Adkins
Myths and Misconceptions about the United Nations
John N. Petrie
The United States and Sub-Saharan Africa
Robert W. Higgs
Observations on the Role of the Military in Disaster Relief
James F. Miskel
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Season in Hell: Understanding Bosina's War
Wayne H. Elliot
Intervention: The Use of American Military Force in the Post- Cold War World
Thomas R. Gillespie
The Making of Strategy: Ruler, States, and War
Cole C. Kingseed
World Politics and the Evolution of War
James E. Swartz
Africa's Wars and Prospects for Peace
Karl P. Magyar
Saudi Arabia: The Coming Storm
Donald H. Estes
The War That Never Was
Adam B. Siegel
Intelligence and Mirror: On Creating an Enemy
James J. Tritten
Sea Soliders in the Cold War: Amphibious Warfare, 1945-1991
Walter J. Johanson
By Sea, Air, and Land: An Illustrated History of the U.S Navy and the War is Southeast Asia
Sam J. Tangredi
Our War Was Different: Marine Combined Action Platoons
Jack Shulimson
We Claim the Title
Dallace L. Meehan
Cooperation under Fire: Anglo-German Restraint during WWII
William D. Bushnell
Monty: The Lonely Leader, !944-1945
Douglas Kinnard
From Cape Charles to Cape Fear: The North Atlantic Blockading Squadron during the Civil War
Frank Uhlig Jr.
Confederate Raider: Raphael Semmes of the Alabama
Robert J. Schneller Jr.
Piracy and the English Government, 1616-1642
John B. Hattendorf
Dark Age Naval Power: A Reassessment of Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Seafaring Activity
Timothy J. Runyan
Additional Writings
Set and Drift
Henry C. Bartlett and Paul G. Holman Jr
In My View
James Tritten and I.B Holley Jr.