Naval War College Review
Volume 61, Number 4 (2008) Autumn
A sampling of recent cover and poster art by the Graphic Arts Branch of the Naval War College’s Visual Communications Department. This by no means exhaustive selection suggests the scope and variety of the College’s publications and events, and it reflects the striking diversity and quality of the images that the College’s graphic artists and illustrators have produced to support them. Reading from the top, left to right, on the front cover: the Combined Force Maritime Component Commander Flag Course series (Course 08-2C was held in Naples, Italy, in July 2008); a China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) conference held in December 2007; the Naval War College Press Newport Paper monographs for 2008 (no. 33 in the series, pictured, is U.S. Naval Strategy in the 1980s: Selected Documents, edited by John B. Hattendorf and Peter M. Swartz, forthcoming as this goes to press); a December 2006 product of a long-term CMSI study; the Navy Title X War Game, known as Global ’08, held at the College in August 2008; the August 2007 Naval War College ethics conference, an ongoing program; Prof. Jeffrey H. Norwitz’s Armed Groups, which appeared in 2008; the June 2008 Current Strategy Forum; and the International Programs office’s next regional symposium, scheduled for October 2008 in Bahrain.
Full Issue
Full Autumn 2008 Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
From the Editor
From the Editors
Carnes Lord
President's Forum
President’s Forum—Operational and Strategic Genius: Building the Main Battery for the New Maritime Strategy
Jacob L. Shuford
Europe’s Unstable Southeast
John R. Schindler
Assessing the New U.S. Maritime Strategy—A Window into Chinese Thinking
Andrew S. Erickson
“Catching the Fox Unaware”—Japanese Radio Denial and Deception and the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Robert J. Hanyok
EASTERN EXIT—Rescue “. . . From the Sea”
Gary J. Ohls
Book Reviews
Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy
Richmond M. Lloyd and Michael T. Klare
The Terrorism Ahead: Confronting Transnational Violence in the Twenty-first Century
Christopher Jasparro and Paul Smith
Salvaging American Defense: The Challenge of Strategic Overstretch
Peter Dombrowski and Anthony Cordesman
Asymmetric Warfare: Threat and Response in the 21st Century
Richard Norton and Rod Thornton
Right-Sizing the People’s Liberation Army: Exploring the Contours of China’s Military
Andrew S. Erickson, Roy Kamphausen, and Andrew Scobell
Asia Looks Seaward: Power and Maritime Strategy
Thomas M. Kane, Toshi Yoshihara, and James R. Holmes
Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to the Present
Hayat Alvi-Aziz and Michael B. Oren
Chechen Jihad: Al Qaeda’s Training Ground and the Next Wave of Terror
John R. Schindler and Yossef Bodansky
Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army
R. G. Bracknell and Jeremy Scahill
Killing Civilians: Method, Madness, and Morality in War
Robert L. Perry and Hugo Slim
Failed Illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest, and the 1956 Hungarian Revolt
Tom Fedyszyn and Charles Gati
Truman and MacArthur: Policy, Politics, and the Hunger for Honor and Renown
Douglas Kinnard and Michael D. Pearlman
Additional Writings
In My View
Tom Hone and Jeffrey H. Norwitz
Recent Books
Carnes Lord