
Naval War College Review

Volume 68, Number 3 (2015) Summer

A dramatic image by the distinguished Italian maritime artist Rudolf Claudus (1893–1964) that points directly to the episode described in this issue by Vincent O’Hara and Enrico Cernuschi, in their “Frogmen against a Fleet: The Attack on Alexandria 18/19 December 1941.” The original painting hangs in La Spezia, Italy, in the Palazzina Comando of the Comando subacqueo e incursori. Other work by Claudus is exhibited at the White House and the U.S. Naval Academy.

Full Issue


Summer 2015 Review
The U.S Naval War College

From the Editor


From the Editors
The U.S Naval War College Press

President's Forum


President’s Forum
P. Gardner Howe III


Book Reviews


Book Reviews
The U.S Naval War College

Reflections on Reading


Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson

Additional Writing