
Naval War College Review

Volume 70, Number 4 (2017) Autumn 2017

Vice Admiral Friedrick Ruge, Inspector of the Federal German Navy (left) receives the Legion of Merit (Degree of Commander) from Chief of U.S. Naval Operations, Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, USN (right). The award was presented to Admiral Ruge on February 21, 1961. Burke and Ruge established a relationship of friendship and trust as they worked together to integrate the German navy rebuilt after World War II into the Western alliance system. In “German Navies from 1848 to 2016: Their Development and Courses from Confrontation to Cooperation,” author Werner Rahn recounts the arc of the history of German navies.

Full Issue


Autumn 2017 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College

From the Editor


From the Editors
Carnes Lord

President's Forum


On Internationalization
Jeffrey A. Harley


Book Reviews


Rough Waters: Sovereignty and the American Merchant Flag
Scott Bergeron, Rodney P. Carlisle, and Bradford Smith


Hunters and Killers, Vol. 2, Anti-submarine Warfare from 1943
Sean Sullivan, Norman Polmar, and Edward Whitman


Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the Twenty-First Century
Edward Erwin, Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans, and Adam Henschke

Reflections on Reading


Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson

Additional Writings


Official U.S. Navy photo. The Citadel Archives and Museum, Charleston, South Carolina, Ruge Collection