Naval War College Review
Volume 71, Number 4 (2018) Autumn 2018
The Great White Fleet arrives in Australia, August 20, 1908. In “The Great White Fleet Sails Today? Twenty- First-Century Logistics Lessons from the 1907–1909 Voyage of the Great White Fleet,” Christopher McMahon uses the difficulties the battle fleet of the U.S. Navy encountered on its around-the-world voyage of more than a century ago to make the case that USN forces attempting to operate in the western Pacific area during a modern crisis likely would suffer from many of the same logistical vulnerabilities.
Full Issue
Autumn 2018 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
From the Editor
From the Editors
Carnes Lord
President's Forum
President’s Forum
Jeffrey A. Harley
Nationalism, Geopolitics, and Naval Expansionism From the Nineteenth Century to the Rise of China
Robert S. Ross
The Great White Fleet Sails Today? Twenty-First-Century Logistics Lessons from the 1907–1909 Voyage of the Great White Fleet
Christopher McMahon
The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Joint Chiefs: Military Operations to Meet Political Ends
Dan Martins
“Getting Serious about Strategy in the South China Sea”: What Analysis Is Required to Compel a New U.S. Strategy in the South China Sea?
Steven Stashwick
Book Reviews
A Distant Mirror: Wargaming after World War II
John T. Kuehn and Hal M. Friedman
Lehman’s Maritime Triumph
Dov S. Zakheim and John Lehman
Hell to Pay: Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945–1947
Gina Granados Palmer and D. M. Giangreco
Progressives in Navy Blue: Maritime Strategy, American Empire, and the Transformation of U.S. Naval Identity, 1873–1898
James P. McGrath III and Scott Mobley
Seablindness: How Political Neglect Is Choking American Seapower and What to Do about It
Sean Sullivan and Seth Cropsey
Neglected Skies: The Demise of British Naval Power in the Far East, 1922–42
Angus Ross and Angus Britts
Cyber Mercenaries: The State, Hackers, and Power
Jeffrey Biller and Tim Maurer
Shadow over the Atlantic: The Luftwaffe and the U-boats, 1943–45
Richard J. Norton and Robert Forsyth
Just War Reconsidered: Strategy, Ethics, and Theory
Edward Erwin and James M. Dubik
Never Call Me a Hero: A Legendary American Dive-Bomber Pilot Remembers the Battle of Midway
Andrew J. Roscoe and N. Jack Kleiss
Reflections on Reading
Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson

Australian National Maritime Museum, via Wikimedia Commons