
Naval War College Review

Volume 71, Number 4 (2018) Autumn 2018

The Great White Fleet arrives in Australia, August 20, 1908. In “The Great White Fleet Sails Today? Twenty- First-Century Logistics Lessons from the 1907–1909 Voyage of the Great White Fleet,” Christopher McMahon uses the difficulties the battle fleet of the U.S. Navy encountered on its around-the-world voyage of more than a century ago to make the case that USN forces attempting to operate in the western Pacific area during a modern crisis likely would suffer from many of the same logistical vulnerabilities.

Full Issue


Autumn 2018 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College

From the Editor


From the Editors
Carnes Lord

President's Forum


President’s Forum
Jeffrey A. Harley


Book Reviews


A Distant Mirror: Wargaming after World War II
John T. Kuehn and Hal M. Friedman


Lehman’s Maritime Triumph
Dov S. Zakheim and John Lehman

Reflections on Reading


Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson


Australian National Maritime Museum, via Wikimedia Commons