United States Naval War College Review | Vol 73 | No. 1

Naval War College Review

Volume 73, Number 1 (2020) Winter 2020

Two modified Standard Missile 2 (SM-2) Block IV interceptors are launched from the guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70) during a Missile Defense Agency (MDA) test to intercept a short-range ballistic-missile target, conducted on the Pacific Missile Range Facility, west of Hawaii, in 2008. The SM-2 forms part of the Aegis ballistic-missile defense (BMD) program. In “A Double-Edged Sword: Ballistic-Missile Defense and U.S. Alliances,” Robert C. Watts IV explores the impact of BMD on America’s relationship with NATO, Japan, and South Korea, finding that the forward-deployed BMD capability that the Navy’s Aegis destroyers provide has served as an important cement to these beneficial alliance relationships.

Full Issue


Winter 2020 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College

From the Editor


From the Editors
Robert Ayer

President's Forum


President's Forum
Shoshana Chatfield Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, President, Naval War College



Research & Debate: Prediction
Wayne P. Hughes Jr.

Book Reviews


India’s Wars: A Military History 1947–1971
Richard J. Norton and Arjun Subramaniam


World War II Infographics
Timothy J. Demy, Jean Lopez, Nicolas Aubin, Vincent Bernard, and Nicolas Guillerat

Reflections on Reading


Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson


U.S. Navy photo, by the MDA