Content Posted in 2025
2024 Conference - Ocean Governance in the South Pacific and Latin America, Center for Oceans Law & Policy
6th Annual Alexander C. Cushing International Law Conference, Stockton Center for International Law
A Forgotten Dimension of Naval Diplomacy—The Production of Social Capital in the National Interest, Nell Bennett and Adam Lockyer
AI Warfare and the Law, Bill Boothby
A Mission in Trouble—Vietnamization and the U.S. Navy, Edward J. Marolda
Capturing Skunk Alpha: A Barrio Sailor’s Journey in Vietnam, Edmund Hernandez and Raúl Herrera
Changes in U.S. Indo-Pacific Military Strategy and U.S. Bases in Okinawa, Clifton W. Sherrill
China Maritime Report No. 44: Dirty But Preparing to Fight: VADM Li Pengcheng's Downfall Amid Increasing PLAN Readiness, Christopher H. Sharman and Andrew S. Erickson
China Maritime Report No. 45: The PLA Navy's Hospital Ship Fleet: Concerns, Developments, and Future Prospects, Jonathan Robinson
China’s New Navy: The Evolution of PLAN from the People’s Revolution to a 21st Century Cold War, Mao’s Army Goes to Sea: The Island Campaigns and the Founding of China’s Navy, Andrew S. Erickson, Xiaobing Li, and Toshi Yoshihara
CMSI Note #12: Finally, A PLA Navy Missile Gap?, Ian Easton
CMSI Note 13: PLA Navy Enhances Realistic Combat Training: Observations of PLA Navy Operations Around Taiwan, K. Tristan Tang
CMSI Translations #12: Strengthen Command Capabilities to Win Future Naval Battles, Wei Gong
CMSI Translations #13: Mission Command Is Not The Antidote, Cui Yiliang
CMSI Translations #14: Manual for Developing Ship Captains, Liu Xue and Li Mingyu
CMSI Translations #15: Inscribing Loyalty While Endeavoring to Advance into the Deep Blue, Qian Xiaohu, Mo Xiaoliang, Wang Guanbiao, and Liu Bin
Destroyer Captain: The Life of Ernest E. Evans, Edmund Hernandez, James D. Hornfischer, and David J. Hornfischer
Episode 15: Sun Tzu’s Imperative – to Win Without Fighting; A Strategic Approach, Dave Brown
Episode 16: Tangled Tensions; Is Syria the Next Threshing Floor On the Counter-Terrorism Landscape?, Dave Brown
Fight for the Final Frontier: Irregular Warfare in Space, David T. Burbach and John J. Klein
From the Archives: NWC Time Capsule: Looking at Legacy, John E. Jackson
From the Editors, Jonathan D. Caverley Interim Editor
Future Peace: Technology, Aggression, and the Rush to War, Jonathan Alexander and Robert H. Latiff
Implementing Agreement to Enhance Protection of Critical Undersea Infrastructure, Raul (Pete) Pedrozo
Men of God, Men of War: Military Chaplains as Ministers, Warriors, and Prisoners, Scott Cauble and Robert C. Doyle
Of Duty and Distress: Addressing Sea Slavery Through the Duty to Render Assistance, Austin Fullmer
Options for Sustainable High Seas Fisheries Management in the Southwest Atlantic, Cornell Overfield and Jessica Yllemo
Original Sin: Power, Technology and War in Outer Space, Richard Norton and Bleddyn E. Bowen
President's Forum, Darryl Walker Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, President, Naval War College
Proper Conceptualization of Naval Operational Doctrine—A Case Study of the Israeli Navy, Shaul Chorev
Rudderless and Adrift: States’ Unwarranted Timidity Respecting Stateless Vessels, Andrew Norris
Safeguarding Submarine Cables and Pipelines in Times of Peace and War, Raul (Pete) Pedrozo
Summer/Autumn 2024 Full Issue, The U.S. Naval War College
Sunk in Battle, But the War is Not Over: Who Owns the Moskva?, Caroline Tuckett
The 3rd Annual Alexander C. Cushing International Law Conference: "Rule of Law in the Indo-Pacific Region and Beyond", Stockton Center for International Law
The 4th Annual Alexander C. Cushing International Law Conference: "International Law: Conflict at Sea", Stockton Center for International Law
The 5th Annual Alexander C. Cushing International Law Conference: "International Law and Conflict at Sea", Stockton Center for International Law
The Obligation of “Due Regard” in the EEZ During Armed Conflict at Sea, James Kraska
War without Surprises—Education for Command in the People’s Liberation Army Navy, Ryan D. Martinson
White Sun War: The Campaign for Taiwan, Richard Norton and Mick Ryan