Naval War College Review
Volume 27, Number 5 (1974) September-October
"Open Sea" by Joseph R. Corish from his series on "The Golden Age of the Clipper Ship." Mr. Corish is the artist in residence for the First Naval District who specializes in marine painting and sketching; he has painted most of the great wind ships that came near Boston in the last haft-century, His "Golden Age of Sail" exhibit will be shown at the Naval War College in September.
Full Issue
September-October 1974 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes: Challenge!
Stansfield Turner
The Role of Perception in Naval Diplomacy
Kenneth R. McGruther
Naval Presence—The Misunderstood Mission
James F. McNulty
Constraints of Naval Geography on Soviet Naval Power
Clyde A. Smith
Shatt-Al-Arab (Arvand-Rud) Crisis
Taghi Ghavami
The Meaning of the United States-Soviet Maritime Agreement
Reginald A. Bourdon
A Methodology for Ocean Surveillance Analysis
Janko Jackson
Book Reviews
Professional Reading
Jeffrey P. Bacher and B. Franklin Cooling
The Admiral's Wolf Pack
John R. Devereaux and Jean Noli
The Imperial Presidency
Bernard D. Cole and Arthur M. Schlesinger
Additional Writing
The Barometer
A. Jerome McGlynn and B. R. Jackson