Naval War College Review
Volume 34, Number 4 (1981) July-August
Out of the Past. Oil by Joseph Corish.
Full Issue
July-August 1981 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
Edward F. Welch Jr.
Law and Strategy in Northern Waters
Ken Booth
The Knox (FF-1052)-Class Frigate in an Independent Surface Action Group Role: FF-1052 Wolfpack
James W. Speer
The Future of the Soviet Defense Burden: The Political Economy of Contemporary Soviet Security Policy
Tyrus W. Cobb
Military Involvement in Domestic Terror Incidents
William R. Farrell
The German Battleship Tirpitz: A Strategic Warship?
William H. Langenberg
Book Reviews
Set & Drift
Sherwood S. Cordier
Professional Reading
Ronald Spector
Bowman Hendry McCalla: A Fighting Sailor
J. P. Morse and Paola Coletta
Energy and Security
John A. Hurley, David A. Deese, and Joseph S. Nye
The United States and Japan in the Western Pacific: Micronesia and Papua New Guinea
Joseph M. Siracusa, Grant K. Goodman, and Felix Moos
The Secretary of Defense
Don Rightmyer and Douglas Kinnard
New Foundations for Asian and Pacific Security
Glen St. J. Barclay and Joyce E. Larson
The Literature of Terrorism: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography
William R. Farrell and Edward A. Mickolus
Insurgency in the Modern World
John F. Murphy and Bard E. O'Neill
The Boer War
J. Kenneth McDonald and Thomas Pakenham
Vietnam: The View from Moscow, Peking, Washington
Mark N. Katz and Daniel S. Papp
Rights and Responsibilities: International, Social, and lndividual Dimensions
J. G. Brennan and University of Southern California Center for the Study of the American Experience
World Communism at the Crossroads: Military Ascendency, Political Economy and Human Welfare
Joseph E. Thach Jr. and Steven Rosefielde
Nuclear Strategy in a Dynamic World
M. J. Bartolomei and Donald M. Snow
American Sea Power in the Old World: The United States Navy in European and Near Eastern Waters, 1865-1917
John B. Hattendorf and William N. Still Jr.
The Three Per Cent Solution and the Future of NATO
John A. Walgreen and The Foreign Policy Research Institute
Nonproliferation and U.S. Foreign Policy
Karl Lautenschläger and Joseph A. Yager
Additional Writings
The Barometer
W. J. Morgan
Recent Books
W. R. Pettyjohn