Naval War College Review
Volume 42, Number 3 (1989) Summer
A view of the ballistic missile submarine Ohio (SSBN 726) taken from the port quarter as she passes through the Hood Canal near the submarine base at Bangor, Washington. Official U.S. Navy photo by Harold Gerwein, PHl, U.S. Navy.
Full Issue
Summer 1989 Review
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President's Notes
Ronald J. Kurth
The Coming Explosion of Silent Weapons
Stephen Rose
War Gaming at the Naval War College, 1969-1989
J.S Hurlburt
The Superpowers on the Way to a Settlement of Regional Conflicts: A German Perspective
Ulrich Weisser
Strategic Nuclear Planning After START
Douglas J. Hanson
Economics and Military Power
Ethan B. Kapstein
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Command of the Seas: Building the 600 Ship Navy
C.E. Armstrong and Albert M. Bottoms
The Power Game: How Washington Works
Michael A. Freney
The Postwar Naval Revolution
Michael A. Palmer
Scraps of Paper: The Disarmament Treaties between the World Wars.
William R. Braisted
The Naval War in the Mediterranean 1914-1918
Marc Milner
The Man Who Burned the White House, Admiral Sir George Cockburn.
William M. Fowler Jr.
The Great Chinese Revolution, 1800-1985
J.K. Holloway
The Central American Crisis Reader
Lawrence T. Dirita
Partners in Conflict: The United States and Latin America
Russell W. Ramsey
Victory Denied
Frank C. Mahncke
The Military Revolution
Clark G. Reynolds
Secret Warriors: Inside the Covert Military Operations of The Reagan Era
Christopher C. Staszak
Comparing Foreign Intelligence
D.A. Duval
Foreign Intelligence Organizations
Walter Clarke
Additional Writing
In My View
Sam J. Tangredi
Official U.S. Navy photo by Harold Gerwein, PHl, U.S. Navy.