Naval War College Review
Volume 42, Number 4 (1989) Autumn
Photographs of small auxiliaries seldom appear on magazine covers. But here is one, the 2,880-ton salvage ship USS Grasp (ARS 51) of the Atlantic Fleet. The class numbers four, with two ships in either ocean.
Full Issue
Autumn 1989 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
President's Forum
President’s Notes
Ronald J. Kurth
Reflections on Soviet New Thinking on Security Questions
Marshall Brement
The Impact of "Reasonable Sufficiency" on the Soviet Ministry of Defense
Thomas M. Nichols and Theodore William Karasik
Competitive Strategies? Good. Next? Long Range Planning
Victor Galdorisi
What Is a War Game?
Frank Snyder
The Public and National Security Policy
Douglas Kinnard
Nonmilitarization of the Antarctic: The Interplay of Law and Geopolitics
Christopher C. Joyner
Book Reviews
Soviet Naval Theory and Policy
Robert B. Bathurst and Robert Waring Herrick
Soviet Submarine Operations in Swedish Waters, 1980-1986
Sean Naylor and Milton Leitenberg
The Russian Civil War
Paul Holman and Evan Mawdsley
China's Global Presence: Economics, Politics and Security
E. D. Smith Jr., David M. Lampton, and Catherine H. Keyser
Gold Braid and Foreign Relations: Diplomatic Activities of U.S. Naval Officers, 1798-1883
J. K. Holloway and David F. Long
Threshold of War: Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry into World War II
George Baer and Waldo Heinrichs
The Atlantic Campaign: World War Il's Great Struggle
Raymond J. Brown and Dan van der Vat
Operation Torch: The Gamble to Invade North Africa
William S. Dudley and William B. Breuer
"Subchaser to Sicily," "A Leaf Upon the Sea: A Small Ship in the Mediterranean 1941-1943"
J. S. Hurlburt, Edward P. Stafford, and Gordon W. Stead
Hey Mac, Where Ya Been?: Living Memories Of The U.S. Marines In The Korean War
Brance Parker and Henry Berry
Enter the Dragon: China's Undeclared War Against the U.S. in Korea 1950-51
Wayne A. Silkett and Russell E. Spurr
Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present
D. K. Pace and Martin Van Creveld
"Combat Fleets of the World 1988/89: Their Ships, Aircraft, and Armament," "Almanacco Navale 1988"
Christopher Wright, A. O. Baker III, G. Giorgerini, and A. Nani
"A Race on the Edge of Time," "Winning the Radar War"
Frank C. Mahncke, David F. Fisher, Jack Nissen, and A. W. Cockerill
Harnessing the Genie: Science and Technology Forecasting for the Air Force 1944-1986
Albert M. Bottoms and Michael H. Gorn
Liftoff: The Story of America's Adventure in Space
Michael A. Freney and Michael Collins
Mobilizing U.S. Industry: A Vanishing Option for National Security
J. Eric Fredland and John N. Ellison
The Politics of Resource Allocation in the U.S. Department of Defense: International Crises and Domestic Constraints
John A. Walgreen and Alex Mintz
The Armed Forces of New Zealand and the ANZUS Split: Costs and Consequences
Thomas-Durell Young and Peter Jennings
Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1988
Murray L. Bradley and Richard F. Starr
The Gunroom
G. Rhys-Jones and Charles Morgan
Additional Writings
The Naval War College Foundation
Frank Uhlig Jr.
In My View
Thomas C. Hone, E. D. Smith Jr., David W. Orr, Alan S. Victor, and Alfred P. Rubin
Recent Books
Frank Uhlig Jr.

Official U.S. Navy photo by Peterson Builders, Inc.