Naval War College Review
Volume 56, Number 1 (2003) Winter
Ashurbanipal, the last great king (reigned 668–27 bc) of the ancient Assyrian Empire, centered in what is today northern Iraq. In the previous century the Assyrians had overrun the northern part of Israel and invested, but did not take, Jerusalem, to the south—a conquest achieved in the next century by the Chaldeans, under Nebuchadnezzar II, with whom President Saddam Hussein has famously identified himself. . . . Our lead article, by one of the most prominent American specialists on Southwest Asia, examines the elements that are likely to shape Iraq after the Hussein regime—which seems likely to be destroyed as well, and with even greater suddenness.
Our cover is a detail of a bas-relief hunting scene, c. 645 bc (now in the British Museum), from Ashurbanipal’s palace in Nineveh. As was apparently characteristic of Assyrian wall-mounted reliefs of the era, it was originally painted; traces of pigment are still detectable.
Full Issue
Winter 2003 Full Issue
The U.S Naval War College
From the Editor
From the Editors
The U.S Naval War College Press
President's Forum
President’s Forum
Rodney P. Rempt
Iraq “the Day After”
Phebe Marr
Nato’s European Members
Richard L. Russell
Our Special Correspondent: Letter from France
Geoffrey Wawro
“Alongside the Best”?
Andrew C. Richter
Clausewitz’s Center of Gravity
Antulio J. Echevarria II
The Joint Forces Air Command Problem
William A. Woodcock
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S Naval War College
Assessing the Threats
Myron A. Greenberg
Defense Policy Choices for the Bush Administration
Cynthia Perrotti
The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq
Preston C. Rodrigue
Victory on the Potomac
William Turcotte
Terrors and Marvels: How Science and Technology Changed theCharacter and Outcome of World War II
Alan R. Millett
Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie Groves, the Manhattan Project’sIndispensable Man
Frank C. Mahncke
Tank: The Progress of a Monstrous War Machine
David Rodman
Additional Writings
In My View
Karen Kwiatkowski, Robert Coram, Robert C. Whitten, and Nathan Okun
The Wisdom on Terror
Sam J. Tangredi
Thinking Ahead Intelligently
Francis G. Hoffman
Forgotten No Longer
Donald Chisholm
Eisenhower: From Abilene to the Elbe
Douglas Kinnard