Naval War College Review
Volume 62, Number 1 (2009) Winter
The United States Fleet in the Strait of Magellan on 5 February 1908, by Henry Reuterdahl (1871–1925), oil-on-canvas painting. This cover image completes our centennial observance of the world cruise of the U.S. Navy’s “Great White Fleet,” which ended in early 1909. We marked the hundredth anniversary of its December 1907 departure with Professor James R. Holmes’s “’A Striking Thing’: Leadership, Strategic Communications, and Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet,” in our Winter 2008 issue (which actually appeared in late 2007).
Henry Reuterdahl, born in Sweden, was a war correspondent and artist with Collier’s magazine during the Spanish-American War. Chosen to accompany the Great White Fleet as correspondent, he sailed in the battleship USS Minnesota from Hampton Roads to San Francisco. Reuterdahl painted this view in 1910 for Truman H. Newberry, who had served under President Theodore Roosevelt as Secretary of the Navy in 1908–1909. Newberry’s grandson presented the painting to the Hope Club, which loaned it to the Naval War College Museum for its “Great White Fleet” exhibit between January and April 2008
Full Issue
Winter 2009 Review
The U.S. Naval War College
From the Editor
From the Editors
Pelham G. Boyer
President's Forum
President’s Forum
J.L Shuford
Asia in the Debate on American Grand Strategy
Michael J. Green
Thinking through U.S. Strategic Options for Africa.
Carlton W. Fulford
The Global Fleet Station
Kathi A. Sohn
The U.S. Navy
Jonathan Stevenson
Learning the Hard Way
John Callaway
Through a Mirror Darkly
Richard J. Norton
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
Strategic Studies: A Reader
Jonathan Winkler
Destroyer Captain: Lessons of a First Command
Tom Fedyszyn
Entering the Dragon’s Lair: Chinese Antiaccess Strategies andTheir Implications for the United States,
Andrew Erickson
Sea Lanes and Pipelines: Energy Security in Asia
James P. Lewis
Invisible Nation: How the Kurds’ Quest for Statehood IsShaping Iraq and the Middle East
Anthony DiBella
Reflections on Reading
Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson
Additional Writing
Review Essay
Stephen A. Emerson
Courtesy of the Hope Club archives, reproduced with permission from the Hope Club, Providence, Rhode Island.