Naval War College Review
Volume 66, Number 3 (2013) Summer
A “Newport admiral”—Rear Admiral William Thomas Swinburne (1847–1928). Born in Newport, Rhode Island, on 24 August 1847, he was appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy in 1862, attending that institution not at Annapolis but here in Newport, where the academy was located during the Civil War. He was the father-in-law of Rear Admiral Luke McNamee (1871–1952), who was to be President of the Naval War College in 1933–34. In his service elsewhere, Rear Admiral Swinburne commanded the Pacific Squadron, 1906–1907, and then its successor, the Pacific Fleet, until 1909. Retiring that year, he died in 1928 in Coronado, California, and was buried at sea.
Full Issue
Summer 2013
The U.S Naval War College
From the Editor
From the Editors
The U.S. Naval War College Press
President's Forum
President’s Forum
John N. Christenson
Marching toward the Sweet Spot
Robert P. Kozloski
Smart Defense
Paul Johnson, Tim LaBenz, and Darrell Driver
Toward “Land” or toward “Sea”?
Wu Zhengyu
Stephen Downes-Martin
The Type 45 Daring-Class Destroyer
Ben Lombardi and David Rudd
The Other Ultra
Vincent P. O’Hara and Enrico Cernuschi
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
China’s Search for Security
Dale C. Rielage
Eisenhower: In War and Peace
Richard Norton
The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell “Bud” Zumwalt, Jr
Ronald Ratcliff
Dictionnaire des ministres de la marine, 1689–1958
John B. Hattendorf
History of Acquisition in the Department of Defense, vol. 1, Rearming for theCold War, 1945–1960,
Richard Gentz
Reflections on Reading
Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson
Additional Writings
Charles W. Callahan
In My View
Martin Bennett
Of Special Interest
Kevin D. Stringer and Norman Polmar