Naval War College Review
Volume 69, Number 1 (2016) Winter 2016
The Fiery Cross Reef, one of several Chinese-held reefs being transformed into artificial islands in the South China Sea. In this issue, Andrew S. Erickson argues for safeguarding the long-term future of the global maritime commons, including the freedom of the vital international sea-lanes of the South China Sea and the airspace above.
Full Issue
Winter 2016 Full Issue
The U.S. Naval War College
From the Editor
From the Editors
Robert Ayer
President's Forum
President’s Forum
P. Gardner Howe III
America’s Security Role in the South China Sea
Andrew S. Erickson
The Evolution of Interstate Security Crisis-ManagementTheory and Practice in China
Alastair Iain Johnston
Russian A2/AD in the Eastern Mediterranean A Growing Risk
Jonathan Altman
The U.S. Merchant Marine: Back to the Future?
Christopher J. McMahon
Systems of Denial: Strategic Resistance to Military Innovation
Andrew Hill and Stephen Gerras
Undersea Lawfare: Can the U.S. Navy Fall Victim to This Asymmetric Warfare Threat?
Michael T. Palmer and J. Michael Johnson
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
The U.S. Naval War College
China’s New Governing Party Paradigm:Political Renewal and the Pursuit of National Rejuvenation, by Timothy Heath
Dale C. Rielage
Westmoreland’s War: Reassessing American Strategy in Vietnam,by Gregory Daddis
William Thomas Allison
Beyond Air-Sea Battle: The Debate over US Military Strategy in Asia,by Aaron L. Friedberg
John T. Kuehn
A Dangerous World? Threat Perception and U.S. National Security,edited by Christopher Preble and John Mueller
Andrew Stigler
Command Culture: Officer Education in the U.S. Armyand the German Armed Forces, 1901–1940,and the Consequences for World War II, by Jörg Muth
Peter J. Schifferle
Reflections on Reading
Reflections on Reading
John E. Jackson